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Pulpo/ Octopus----------------------------------- 20'00€
Sepia/Cuttlefish---------------------------------- 12'00€
Calamares/ Squides------------------------------- 12'00€
Morcilla de León/Blood sausage-------------------- 8'50€
Lengua curada/Veal tongue ----------------------- 12'00€
Cecina de León/Beef jerky ------------------------- 12'00€
Tabla de embutido/ Lunchmeat ------------------- 16'00€
Tortilla de patata (entera)/Potato omelette ---------12'00€
Huevos con jamón/Fried eggs with ham------------ 7'50€
Croquetas caseras/Homemade croquettes ----------- 8'50€
Entrecot/Beef Entrecote---------------------------- 16'00€
Bacon y queso/Bacon and cheese--------------------- 5'75€
Lomo y queso/Pork loin and cheese------------------ 5'75€
Tortilla de patata/ Potato omelette ------------------- 4'75€
Tortilla francesa/ Plain omelette--------------------- 4'75€
Jamón serrano/ Cured ham ------------------------- 5'75€
Salchichón/Salami--------------------------------- 4'75€
Chorizo curado/ Cured hard pork sausage ------------ 4'75€
Atún con pimientos/Tuna with peppers ------------- 5'75€
Queso curado/ Cheese ------------------------------- 5'00€
Anchoas con tomate/Anchovies and tomato ---------- 5'75€
Hamburguesas (3 tipos)------------------ 8'00€, 8'50€ y 9'00€

Tres primeros a elegir.
Tres segundos a elegir.
Postres caseros.
Pan; vino o agua incluidos.
----------IVA INCLUIDO---------
Menú diario 15€
Fines de semana
y festivos 19€
Three first plates to choose one from.
Three second plates to choose one from.
Home made desserts.
Bread; wine or water included.
----------------TAXES INCLUDED-------------------
Weekly menu 15€
Weekend and
festivities 19€
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